How Old ARE You, Mrs. Lintz?

My sister, since I began this blog, has been all over me about the complete list of Paul’s characteristics of Fruit of the Spirit. Last week, she reminded me about “peace,” looking for it soon. I might should be concerned about how challenged I’ve felt to think of something peace-related. But here it is.

Three and a half years ago, blood work indicated that I needed to add “nephrologist” (kidney doctor) to the ever-expanding list of physicians that I see. At my first visit, the doctor talked with me about the lab work and what it meant. “According to this,” he said, “your kidneys are operating at about 50%.” He looked at me.

“How old are you?” he asked.

“Sixty,” I said. “Well, almost sixty. I’ll be sixty in a couple of months.”

His face brightened a little. “Oh, sixty? Well, at that age, kidneys are only working at about 75% anyway.”

So, I wasn’t in quite as bad a shape as he feared. Not good, by any means. But not awful. So, here’s what I took away from that appointment: THE KIDNEY GUY THINKS I’M WAY YOUNGER THAN SIXTY YEARS OLD!” Probably not the important message he had in mind. But I was thrilled. I’ve loved the kidney doctors ever since.

There’s a sign at the kidney place that says they will always provide excellent care, but they cannot guarantee that patients will always see the same physician. The kidney center operates several clinics in surrounding towns, and the doctors have varied schedules. That said, the office staff does try to arrange my appointments so that I see the same doctor most of the time. I’ve seen four different nephrologists, over the months, but after each visit, as I make a new appointment, the scheduling secretary pulls out my usual guy’s schedule, and we work around that.

I got a call last week from their office and learned that my regular doctor is retiring this month. We changed my appointment, and I’ll begin to see another physician.

I have a nurse friend who worked for many years in Intensive Care. She thinks that, when it comes to how all the body parts work together in their interdependence on each other, the kidney doctors are the most cognizant. I have great confidence in all of them.

I will both lie down and sleep in peace;
    for you alone, O Lord, make me lie down in safety
Psalm 4:8

I have given my kidneys over to God. Sometimes, I imagine Jesus standing behind me, with his hands on my kidneys, helping them do their work better. Then I lie down and sleep in peace.

3 Responses to “How Old ARE You, Mrs. Lintz?”

  1. Phyllis Belew

    Peace is a choice. I am glad you have chosen peace concerning your kidneys. You have too many other things to think about, like that grand baby.

    • Gayle Lintz

      And he is indeed grand. I got to spend a couple of days with him; April was busy with a garage sale. A win-win for me!

  2. Suzy

    What is lovelier than sleeping peacefully? You have a “pearl of great price” in visualizing Jesus with His healing hands helping your kidneys to work more efficiently as you prepare to sleep. And, you can thank Him for the sweet repose which follows.
    Years ago I claimed John 24:27 as “My Life Verse.” There He gives one of His precious promises, “Peace I give to you…MY PEACE,” not as the world gives, give I unto you….” The verse continues as you know ending with “I have overcome the world…let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.”

    Your nighttime verse pairs beautifully with “my verse.” How blessed are we to have a Savior so concerned that we be at peace?

    Bless you dear Gayle. I love your blog!


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