As I’ve been working in the yard these past springtime months, I’ve unearthed quite a few worms. There seem to be more than usual, but I think that must be due to the enormous amount of rainfall we’ve had, these last few weeks. Some springs, and moving onto the high-heat summers that follow, there’s a minimum of rainfall and a maximum of searing sunshine.
I guess there were worms, but they burrowed ‘way, ‘way, ‘way down to where the soil is more moist and more easily traveled through, wormwise.
This spring has been really unusual. Lots of rain. LOTS of rain. I was digging up some plants to move to a different part of the yard, and, with every scoop of my shovel, there was a rather loud, squelching sound. SLUUUUURP! And, when I walked through some grassless areas in the yard, my Crocs would sink into the mud. Sometimes they would get stuck in the mud.
Things are a little less wet, now, but it’s still pretty easy to dig up things. Like those worms.
A dug-up worm obviously doesn’t like to be dug up. They wriggle and wiggle and work really hard to get back down in the dirt. They are very interesting to watch when they do that.
- This worm, in the center of the photo, has sent his head down, back into the dirt, but is in resting mode, and is thinking about things. The front part is the lower worm segment. The part of the worm at the top is actually the worm’s back section. It’s really quiet right now; I’m guessing that he’s pushing his front end around, searching for the most easily negotiated route for reaching safety.
- That front part has traveled mostly down, or over, leaving the rearmost part still on the surface. Patiently waiting for slithering orders. Notice the small black stick at the worm’s side.
- Find that black stick, and there’s the last, rather dirt-covered, part of the worm, barely visible. The re-locating process took a couple of minutes.
I know better than to think that the rest of the summer is going to have plenty of rainfall and delightfully cool temperatures. Meanwhile, I’m going to enjoy each day, until the real summer shows up.

Nor only are there worms (and, of course, bugs), but my little green friend has returned. Maybe he’ll help with the bug issue.
I did look up earthworms and found that I could actually purchase some earthworms.
The link is to Amazon. Worms, however, are not eligible for Amazon Prime.
Look how the wild flowers grow! They don’t work hard to make their clothes. But I tell you that Solomon with all his wealth wasn’t as well clothed as one of these flowers.
Luke 12:27 (Contemporary English Version)
I grateful for the rain that waters my yard and for the earthworms that make the soil good for growing things and for a good God that puts beauty in my life, in so many ways.