I was shopping at Target. (Truth is, I’m often shopping at Target. It’s close to where I live, I like shopping there, and they have spacious self-checkout areas, so I can scan and bag my own items, in my own bags, which makes me feel like I’m doing a favor to the world by not using plastic bags that will end up in the landfill.)
While I was shopping, I was also talking with JoAnne, my sister, because she and my niece are coming to visit us. I was asking what they might like to eat and snack on while they’re at my house. Meanwhile, she was visiting five of her grandchildren, so there was a lot going on. I’d been by the pharmacy and learned that they would fulfill my prescription, but they were about to go on their lunch break (and they just close down the pharmacy during their lunch hour), so it would be an hour before I could get my prescription. I relayed that situation to my sister, and she was sorry that I’d be walking around Target for an hour. But, her grandchildren had an idea. I should take a scavenger hunt around Target while I was waiting.
They made a list:
Target Scavenger Hunt (I found this hard to read, so I thought maybe I should type up the list):
Something red
Pencil box
Clearance item
Hearth & Home item (from the Magnolia collection)
Bubble Blower
Pair of Men’s Socks (the weirder the better)
Nerf gun (Paxton’s suggedstion)
New shoes (Bellamie’s suggestion)
Saw (Reuben’s suggestion)
Police car (Sylas’ suggestion)
Knife (I could choose)
Lawn mower
Frosted sugar cookies (Suggestion from Natalie, JoAnne’s adult daughter)
and nothing from Ozero, who had to leave because he was throwing up from the July 4th fun at his other grandmother’s house.
So off I went, glad to have something interesting to do.
- Pimentos are important, because JoAnne likes pimento cheese.
- Bellamies choice of pencil boxes was easy, as back-to-school items are everywhere.
- Clearance item-25 per cent off!
- Chip and Jo have an entire area in Target where their own items are for sale.
- Bubble blowers were also easy to find.
- weird men’s socks (they seem weird to me!)
- I could NOT find a Nerf gun anywhere at Target. All I could find were Nerf balls and rackets.
- I didn’t know if they wanted a picture of a police car outside, but I couldn’t see one out there. So I chose this one.
- I didn’t know what KIND of knife, so here are some kitchen knives and some silverware knives.
- Here’s some dinnerware cutlery. Also pretty shy of the knife request.
- No saw. Anywhere in Target. But I found these kitchen implements that I thought might slice through things.
No lawn mower, neither real nor toy. And, by the time I’d found everything that I could find, the pharmacy folks had finished their lunch and were back in business, and I was able to go to get my prescription. I showed all my successes (with photos) to JoAnne and the grandchildren, and sadly relayed the fact that my Target does not carry lawn mowers, for kids or adults.
Instead, by speaking the truth in a spirit of love, we must grow up in every way to Christ, who is the head. Under his control all the different parts of the body fit together, and the whole body is held together by every joint with which it is provided. So when each separate part works as it should, the whole body grows and builds itself up through love.
Ephesians 4:15, 16 (Good News Translation)
I’m charmed by this plan where all the kids participated, working together, and giving me something very interesting to do while waiting for the pharmacy to reopen.