Well, that would be me. It’s not really, exactly, a mask. It’s a make-shift mask, but it works well. I suppose.
I don’t like it, not one tiny, little bitty bit. It’s uncomfortable. It’s hot. I can’t see over the top edge. It gets damp. But I wear it.
Actually, I have two of them. Each of them is just as uncomfortable as the other.
Here’s how they get put together:
- First, this is a large square piece of fabric.
- Fold each side to the center, and press down each edge.
- Then, turn it over, and bring the folded edges to the center, and press down each side.
- Then turn it over again so the back side is facing up. Thread a scunci or some other kind of soft elastic band over each end. Then fold the ends over the elastic band.
- Adjust those bands so that they go over your ears and adjust the mask’s ends so the mask covers your face. The folds in the fabric can be adjusted to fit over your face.
- I have a polka dot one, too
- In most stores I frequent, the employees all wear masks. Today, at Lowes, one employee wore her mask like this. Apparently, the employees have some leeway in exactly HOW they wear their masks.
My system of disinfecting my masks is my iron. Because the fabric is cotton, it’s sturdy. I use the highest temperature on my iron, and I fill it with water and use the highest temperature of steam to kill germs as I iron. It’s very hot. When this is all over, I might make a pillow out of these squares. Or, maybe I’ll be so weary of these two pieces of fabric that I’ll just throw them away.
As a senior adult with underlying health issues, I think I ought to wear a mask. Did I mention that I don’t like it? I don’t. If I knew how much longer I need to do this, I’d be counting the days. I hope I live that long.
Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.”
Joshua 1:9 (The Message translation)
There will come a day when we’ll all be sitting around saying stuff like:
“Remember when we were supposed to wear masks? Wherever we went?”
Remember when we didn’t go to church, but we had ‘virtual’ church, sitting at home and watching worship service on our computers?”
“Remember when kids had to finish the school year by having ZOOM class every week?”
“Remember when we were supposed to stay at least 6 feet away from each other?”
I’m sooooo looking forward to that day.