Dictionary.com defines “phenomenon” as: a remarkable person, thing, or event. That’s what Magnolia is, in case you’ve been living under a rock. (“Living under a rock” is defined as “To be unaware of things that most people know about.”)
Okay, I know that many, many people in this country are most certainly unaware of MAGNOLIA, but, based on the number of folks who are showing up regularly in Waco, it seems significant. I was recently in the Magnolia parking lot, and, I’m sorry to admit, I didn’t pay attention to the license plates. I do know that the people who were with me are from Seattle, so, if there had been a daily contest for “came farthest,” we might have won.
- Sometimes people say they’re going to the Silos. Yes, there are these two silos. They held cotton, ages and ages ago. They’re empty (I think), and I guess it’s too expensive to demolish them.
- A helpful map, so Magnolia guests can find their way around.
- I think this is the exact place that we were standing in line when David’s niece and her family arrived for her birthday visit a few years ago. It was the line to get into the bakery. The line was much shorter when we went last week.
- This is the bakery. I think I’ve mentioned before that, several years back, it was a florist’s shop called RoseTree. Rose retired several years ago.
- There are food trucks around much of the perimeter.
- There’s a wide variety of kinds of foods, and there are picnic tables in shaded areas
- Water’s available for thirsty patrons,
- and labeled trash cans help guests know how to separate their trash.
- This is the current waiting area for the bakery. Depending on the time of day, there can be quite a bit of shade as hungry patrons wait for their cookies and cupcakes.
- Another area for waiting and relaxing.
- There are restrooms in several spots.
- There’s a scaled-down baseball diamond where kids and (usually) Dads can go to play while (usually) Moms shop
- A few years ago, a church (which was no longer being used) was going to be demolished due to highway construction. The Gaines’ bought the building and moved it to Magnolia. They refurbished it, using as much of the existing woodwork, etc. as possible and creating new woodwork where necessary.
- It’s a quiet and beautiful place.
- And it’s a nice, cool place for sitting and relaxing and contemplating.
- Natalie, Peter and April, Magnolia, May 2017
- JoAnne and Natalie, Magnolia 2021
- This is my favorite place. It’s small, but I like the gardening supplies there.
- These are the window boxes at the side of the bakery.
- This is thyme, growing in a raised bed in the center of the complex.
- These are climbing plants, along the outer wall of the complex.
- And these trees, along the sidewalk, are, of course, Magnolias.
I don’t know how many employees are needed to create the well-organized, well-tended, grounds of Magnolia, but the restrooms are spotless, and if there is a dead leaf somewhere, it surely gets picked up and tossed into a well-hidden compost area. Every employee is gracious and helpful. An example: Last week, when I went with my sister and niece, we went first to the bakery and ordered some cookies. This past Wednesday, I went back, because I’d neglected to take any photographs, and I needed photographs. I stopped in at the bakery for a cookie. The young man who took my order looked at me and said, “Do I know you? You look familiar to me. Are you from Waco?” And I said, “Well, I was here last Wednesday.” “Oh, yeah,” he said. “I knew you looked familiar.” That’s paying attention to detail.
- This is the main store.
- These are smaller, boutique-type shops.
Whether you like (or LOVE) to shop, or whether you just like to wander around, or whether you like to try all kinds of foods, Magnolia might just be the perfect getaway for you. It’s not hard to locate in downtown Waco. There are those HUGE silos. You can hardly miss them.
A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
Proverbs 31: 10 and 11, and 30 and 31
It’s true, more women are apt to enjoy Magnolia than most men. But, it’s very family friendly. There’s something for almost everyone.
Almost as if had been with you, Joanne, & Natalie! Thanks for sharing Magnolia!❣️