Sunday through Thursday evenings, I set my iPhone’s alarm for 7:00 a.m. I almost always wake up at 6:00 or 6:30, but, just to be sure, I do set that alarm, so I’ll be up and able to take care of some early morning responsibilities. I put the phone on the windowsill above the bed, and plug it in, so I’ll be able to recharge the thing and to hear it, if I don’t wake up and turn it off earlier. (On Friday and Saturday nights, I use the bathroom plug for recharging and for quiet.)
Last Tuesday evening, I was really tired, and turned in at 9:00, after setting the phone’s alarm and plugging it in. I snuggled under the covers and went right to sleep. At some time later, I was jolted awake with a loud clang noise and a very bright flash of light, coming from just above my head. I quickly reached for the phone and pulled it down. That sort of commotion is usually caused by an Amber Alert or a bad weather alert.
I looked at the screen, and, seriously, this is the information I got: a three or four sentence recap of the Democratic Debates. IT WAS MIDNIGHT!
I certainly want to be an informed citizen, but, Apple guys, I can wait until morning!
Then, of course, I plugged the phone back in to its power source, up there on the window sill, and snuggled back onto my pillows and under the covers . . . where I tossed and turned for an hour. Or more. I guess I could have gotten up and made a nice cup of hot, decaf tea. I could have gone into the bathroom and, in the quiet and warmth of that space, read for a while. However, I wanted to go back to sleep. So I kept trying. And kept trying. And kept trying.
I don’t know when I went back to sleep. I was making an effort to not look at the clock, because not being asleep at 1:00, at 1:30, at 2:00, at 2:30, etc. was just going to make me feel angrier and sleepier. If I didn’t look at the clock, then I could imagine that it might only be 12:20, or 12:25, or at the very latest 12:40, which, of course, it was NOT.
I did finally go back to sleep, whenever it was. And I slept deeply, I think, because I was seriously startled when the phone alarm kept going on and on and on, with it’s little beeping sound. What IS that annoying, unending, beeping clamor?!?!? Oh, yeah, the phone. And I got up. At 7:15, or so.
Complain if you must, but don’t lash out.
Keep your mouth shut, and let your heart do the talking.
Build your case before God and wait for his verdict.
At day’s end I’m ready for sound sleep,
For you, God, have put my life back together.
Psalm 4:4, 5, 8 (The Message)

Here’s my phone, up on the windowsill, charging up, and getting ready for tomorrow’s new day, hopefully after I’ve had a nice, uneventful slumber, what with my life being put back together and all.
Apple does have a way to solve this. You can set a Do Not Disturb feature for certain periods of time and on an automatically recurring basis (bedtime) and only allow calls or notifications from certain callers to get through. Here’s some basic info: