Posts Categorized: Goodness

Problem Solved!

Last Sunday’s Bible story is one of my favorites (Acts 12:5-17). Peter was imprisoned for teaching about Jesus. His friends gathered and prayed in earnest for him. At the jail one night, everyone was sleeping soundly when an angel appeared and led Peter, free of his chains, out the jail door. Peter went right away to the house where his friends were and knocked on the door. A servant girl, Rhoda, went to the door and recognized Peter’s voice.

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Post #30. In Which I Learn a Lesson


I know, dear reader, that you’re feeling sorry for my sad little life, where I apparently spend all my time at the grocery store, and sometimes it seems like that to me, too. But, that’s where so many interesting things happen.

Saturday morning, I decided to go grocery shopping. The milk was going to expire on Sunday, and that really cold weather was on the way, and the temps for Sunday and Monday were going to be pretty low, for us at least, and the wind was going to be blowing, which makes even a nice day muuuuch colder than the thermometer says. I ended up not leaving the house until mid-morning, then went by the library to pick up a couple of books, and finally to HEB, where I wondered why ever would people choose to grocery shop on a Saturday morning if they could go some other time. So many folks can only shop on Saturdays, and here I was, in their way, when I could easily have come a different day.

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I know that God created all living things, and He had and has a plan for all the animals. But I think we can all agree that we just don’t like some of those animals. Like rats. Like cockroaches, especially the great big ones that can, and will, fly! Across the room. When you are having guests.

It’s hard to be angry with squirrels. They’re just so darn cute. I had a bug guy once, who was treating the house for, well, bugs. We were discussing the squirrels in the back yard (and how annoying I found them), and he said the only reason people like squirrels is because they have those darling, bushy tails that make them charming. “If they didn’t have those tails,” he said. “They’d look just another kind of rat, gnawing away at your wires, your eaves, your pecans.”

Oh, indeed. He was so right. I really do intensely dislike the squirrels, despite their adorability.

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Fun with Friends

A while back, an Early Childhood educator friend of mine posted a link on Facebook for Tall Painting. (I’m going to put the link to this at the end. If I put it here, you’ll go and look at it and be mesmerized and watch YouTube videos for the next hour and you’ll never get back to me. DO NOT GO DOWN AND LOOK FOR IT RIGHT NOW! WAIT!) Within minutes of his post, about a dozen other Early Childhood folks responded with “Oh, I want to Tall Paint.” I wanted to Tall Paint, too, for months. But the only time I’m with little kids is during Sunday School, and I wasn’t sure I could carve out the time. And, they’re three years old; I wasn’t sure they could really do it well. But I kept thinking about it.

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