Several years ago, my sister and I determined that, based on our behavior, the thing we most feared in all of life was getting stuck somewhere with nothing to read. In doctor’s offices, in carpool lines, while waiting for various appointments, we have stashed in our purses, the car pockets, inside jackets, coats and sweaters, a variety of books, magazines, and/or newspapers.

Modern audio options; well, the way things are improving and changing, they may be old and obsolete in a couple of years (or months)
I still feel that way; but things are so much easier now. I’ve got books on my phone’s Kindle app. No more lugging a whole book with me to doctors’ offices. (And no more relying on outdated or boring magazines there.) When I’m driving, whether in town or on the highway, I’m often listening. The library has Playaways, little audio book players that are smaller than my phone. I put in a AAA battery and ear buds, and I’m good for several hours. I can import audio disks to my computer, transfer them to the phone, and listen to a good book while I’m working in the yard or doing housework.
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