I thought that Kevin and April (and PETER!) weren’t coming for Easter. But, then, they decided to!!! Which made a good weekend even more anticipated, more delightful, more satisfying.
I had Peter all by myself on Friday. There was a little shopping. A little napping. And a surprise! April’s birthday is coming up soon, and I thought we could make a surprise for her. I planned to make treats to serve on Sunday. However, when a three-year-old prepares a surprise on a Friday, you just have to have that surprise on a Friday. I asked what kind of cupcakes he thought Mommy would like. White. And what kind of frosting? White. With sprinkles. So that’s what we did.
- Scooping the cake batter into the cupcake liners.
- Cupcakes are done baking.
- Frosted cupcakes with sprinkles. And one bright candle.
Saturday was a beautiful day.
- Out came the big boxes. “More paint, Grandad!”
- Peter consulted with a professional artist.
- Every box house should have a sand box with trucks.
Sunday morning–We have a large cross that stays in the Worship Center all the time.
We have a tradition of putting fresh flowers on it on Easter Sunday morning.
I handed Peter over to David when I arrived at church. Then I went on along to my Sunday School room to prepare for preschoolers’ arrival. As I was rushing around the room, suddenly, something seemed a little odd.
- I looked down at my left side and didn’t see my leg sticking out of the slit that’s on that side. When I looked at my right side. There was my right calf.
- I slipped into the bathroom, put my thumb into the front of my dress and pulled it down. And, yes, there was the tag. I had my dress on backwards. I pulled it off, turned it around, and put it back on. And went on with my day.
Of all the things we do at my church, and maybe ever have done, my most favorite is how we do baptisms these days. Instead of sitting in our pews and watching from afar (well, it’s not that far), we gather forward. Kids in front, so they can see well. The rest of us packed behind them, on the platform, on the steps, pressed together.
Welcome, young lady. Welcome into your faith family.

“Now, get on your way quickly and tell his disciples, ‘He is risen from the dead. He is going on ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there.’ That’s the message.”
Matthew 28:7 (The Message)
Christ is risen. Christós Anésti, or Χριστός Ανέστη. (We have Greek relatives.)
Let’s face it, for people who love Jesus, every weekend is a happy Easter weekend.