Wasn’t it just March a couple of weeks ago? I suppose, because most days seem quite a bit the same just now, even though things are “opening up” and slowly getting to a more normal routine, it’s still not quite normal. Not just yet.
But, it is July. We’re still getting more rain than is normal, but some plants I bought back in the balmy days of March are showing their discontent with the summer heat. After all these years, I still make mistakes about what to buy, where to plant it, and how long will it really last.
I went to get Peter last Friday, and quickly did a little shopping before time to pick him up. I ate lunch with Kevin and April and Peter, and then Peter and I visited a nursery I like. He helped me make some botanical decisions, and then we headed back down to Waco. We had a few busy few days.
- Chilling out on the playground at a rest stop on our way to Waco.
- Getting ready for some sort of armed combat. With whom, or what, I am not sure.
- Completing a puzzle of a vicious raptor. I did the tongue and part of the feet.
- Making chocolate chip cookies.
We went to the local library. Peter and I both got books, and, in the kids’ section, Peter saw a boy playing a video game. It was like a kid magnet. Peter went over and watched. He asked some questions, gave some advice. We’d chosen some books, and checked them out to take home. The next day, I wanted a book I’d forgotten about. We arrived right at opening time, and the computers in the kids’ section were all available. Whew! He played quite a while. The next day, I needed to return some books, so we went back. And he could play again. Then, later in the day, I saw that a book I’d put on hold was now available, so we went back to the library a second time, where Peter was able to play again. What a great day!
Then, that evening, we all had to go to bed early. When we’d first made this plan, Kevin had forgotten about a dentist’s appointment for Peter. It was at 9:00 a.m. which meant Peter needed to be back at home by 8:30 a.m. which meant a very early morning for us. It’s an hour-and-a-half trip. And, I recalled a trip I’d made when Peter was a very young baby, because April had an early medical appointment, and I was going to stay with Baby Peter. We’d meant for me to be there at 8:00 a.m., but the incoming morning traffic jam caused me to be late. So, I asked Kevin if, this time, we needed to leave earlier. And he thought yes, which meant our leaving at 6:30 a.m. which meant getting up at about 5:30 a.m., at least for me. Clothes had been washed, the suitcase had been packed, the book bag had been packed. I made Peter a scrambled egg and we took a couple of pieces of cinnamon toast along, too. Everything worked well and we were on the road just when we needed to be.
As we approached Fort Worth, the traffic got a little more crowded. But, it was nothing as congested as as the last time I’d made this early morning trip, and we sailed into town easily and arrived at their house at 8:00 a.m. Plenty of time for visiting and recapping all the Waco adventures. They left for the dentist, and then I went for adventures of my own.
Last week, I’d not had time to visit another nursery that I like. So, that was my first stop before setting out for Waco.
- I found some lovely red salvia.
- I bought this hosta at that nursery last year, when it was at death’s door. It responded really well, and is having a great summer!
- So when I found this one, I thought that it probably would snap back, too. I am expecting great things.
Then, I went back to the nursery I’d visited last week, because I was in sort of a hurry then, and wanted to go back and take more time.
- I did not even have sunflowers in mind, but these looked so bright. Their compact size is perfect for the front flower bed.
- I had that left-hand zinnia, which I guess is left over from last year. I bought some more at a nursery here, because they were on sale for a dollar each. They looked a little raggedy, but they have snapped back!
- This is the front bed. See how nice the new sunflowers look. Those things in the center are yellow shrimp plants, which, for the past two years, have been on the far right-hand side. I do not understand why they are now in the middle. I am blaming the February ice/snow disaster.

Here’s why I like to go to nurseries, even if I’m not planning on purchasing anything. I enjoy seeing the plants. I like thinking about what sorts of plants might look good (and live) in the yard, for next time, or next year. And, I like to watch the bees. See him, on the left-hand side of that orange flower. And, sometimes, there are butterflies, too.
But from everlasting to everlasting, the Lord’s mercy is on those who fear him. His righteousness belongs to their children and grandchildren,
Psalm 103:17 (God’s Word Translation)
This is a noisy, squawky mockingbird that spends a lot of time, way up in our pecan tree every evening. And, I think he riles up the other birds. At least, it seems like they’re squawking back at him. Earlier, I had taken a video of his noisyness and sent it to Peter. When he was here, I was able to show him the squawky bird for himself.