When I was a kid, I’d sometimes use the smaller bathroom in our house, the one that my parents used. The bathroom on the hall, that JoAnne and I used, had a bathtub and a shower head. That smaller bathroom just had a shower stall. Peter has just recently begun to use that shower stall. He finds it fascinating, mainly because it has a shower stool (which my physician insisted I provide, in case, as a senior adult woman, I might fall, slip, or otherwise need to suddenly sit), as well as a shower head that can be unhooked from the wall, so that it can be used to spray one’s self at one’s discretion.

The larger bathroom has an overhead heater, which is nice to have during the chillier months. However, that heater is run from a switch that is either ON or OFF. It doesn’t have a variable switch. It’s either on, really on, or off, completely off.

The heater in the smaller bathroom is mounted on a side wall, and it has a switch that can go from barely on to seriously on. I can turn that heater on just a little, or quite a lot And right now, even though the weather has dropped quite a bit in the past few days, I can decide for myself how much or how little heat I need.
When, as a child, I did visit my parents’ bathroom, I noticed that Mother had a small shelf where she put her Bible and Sunday School lesson book. Right next to the toilet. I just assumed that she took advantage of her bathroom trips to catch up on Bible readings and Sunday School information.

I’ve re-evaluated that idea of Mother’s. I’m also reading from a devotional book, in the bathroom, pretty much every morning. And then I read the accompanying Bible passages. I’m in there, in the bathroom, reading, because it’s warm in there!
And here is my new Bible. I’d purchased a new Bible a few weeks ago, but, as I’ve been reading through the passages, I was squinting and trying to read everything, and the words were just too small. So, I went and purchased a large print version of that Bible. It’s soooo much easier, now.
You have known the Holy Scriptures ever since you were a little child. They are able to teach you how to be saved by believing in Christ Jesus. God has breathed life into all Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right. By using Scripture, the servant of God can be completely prepared to do every good thing.
2 Timothy 3:15-17 (New International Reader’s Version)
The new Bible I bought is The Message translation, which I’m enjoying reading. But, I rather liked this translation of 2 Timothy 3:15-17, also.