I like to work outside. The weather’s nice right now, and there are fall-ish things to do, and I think that working in the yard is good for me, from a physical standpoint and a mental standpoint, too.
I enjoy the flora.
- This is a plant that REALLY wants to survive.
- I sent this photo to April to show Peter. He reminded her to tell me they were poisonous!
- I ran across a recipe that called for fresh thyme. I’ve got that covered!
I like the fauna.
- The bees . . .
- and the butterflies
Last week, I was working in the back yard, trimming some lower hanging limbs in a space where I have a garden bench.
This is a nice shady spot and is particularly pleasant this time of year, when the temperatures are lower (much less sweatier) and I can sit and read. As I was trimming and neatening up the area, a bird flew by me and landed on that larger limb that’s running across the top of the photograph. Yes, right there in front of me. I took a step toward that limb and the bird just sat there, as if challenging me to bother him. I was amazed. I took another step forward. He cocked his head and turned and flew . . . to that next limb, as if to imply that, yes, he saw me, but he wasn’t at all bothered that I was right there!
He wasn’t somebody’s pet parakeet. He was a wild bird. He should have, I thought, been much more reluctant to be anywhere near me. Maybe someone else in the neighborhood feeds birds, and he just assumed that all of those big folks are regularly handing out treats.
I lopped off a couple more limbs, then gathered up my tools and walked up to the patio at the back of the house. And then, and I am not making this up, he followed me.
- He flew up to the hanging basket holder. And sat there, pretending to ignore me, but glancing in my direction. Often.
- Then he flew over to the bin where I keep potting soil. He is about three feet away from me. And he keeps turning his head to stare at me. I don’t know if he’s trying to communicate with me that he’d like a snack, or if he’s trying to intimidate me, acting like this was HIS backyard first and what am I doing there.
- He turns for a graceful lift off . . .
- That blur you see is him, flying away.
- But he only goes as far as the air conditioner.
Apparently, he’s gotten bored with it all. I’ve been outside a couple of days this week, and I haven’t seen him. Maybe he’s marshaling his forces and planning to return at some point, with reinforcements. I’ll send updates if he shows up again.
How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty!
My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.
Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—
a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King and my God.
Psalm 84:1-3 (New International Version)