It’s Thursday evening, and I’m pretty weary. I’ve still been working in the yard. The mornings are mostly chilly, and, while I’m eager to get back outside, I’ve had to wait a while for things to warm up.
As Kevin and April were working on making that log barrier, one of them suggested that I put some kind of water resistant (or something of the sort), protective, coating on the tops of those logs. So I purchased three cans of matte, clear coating, and sprayed the tops of those logs. The temperature was still a little bit chilly, so I went inside for a while, and did some baking.
Yeah, really, I baked. Eventually. I hadn’t used the bread machine in quite a while. I pulled out the bread machine cookbook, and made some rolls.

As I was gathering the ingredients for the rolls, I was sure that I had a jar of yeast in the refrigerator. I knew it was there, because I periodically have to move it to make a space for something else.
I was confident. But just barely. I don’t recall the last time I used it, but there was still a lot of yeast in the jar. And, I just barely made the deadline.
I guess I should bake more. And quickly. I do have a 5 pound bag of bread flour.
The bread machine stirs the ingredients and “kneads” the dough and keeps it nice and warm while it rises. Then, it dings when the dough is ready. I pulled it out and cut up the dough to make rolls. Then, they had to rise in a pan until they were nice and puffy. Then I baked them, and by that time the outside temperature had risen to the point that I could work.
We’d had some windy days. There were quite a few sticks strewn about the yard.
- First bundle of random sticks tossed into the “green” recycle bin.
- Second bundle of sticks, going into the bin.
- I bought this great tool at Homestead Heritage last weekend. It’s great at reaching in where regular rakes are too wide to fit.
And, finally, the sun was shining on the front of the house.
I’d had yellow pansies in the front flower bed and yellow violas (miniature pansies) in hanging pots on the porch railing. Those are chilly weather flowers who don’t make it through a Texas summer. I pulled them all up and replaced them with yellow, summer-friendly varieties.
The flowers are springing up and the time of the singing of birds has come. Yes, spring is here.
Song of Solomon 2:12 (The Living Bible Translation)
And of course, I’m not done. Plants need to be tended. The yard will need to be mowed; and not just once. Things need to be pruned, trimmed, and watered!
And there’s that saying: “A garden is a thing of beauty and a job, forever.” Yep.
We never have to mow again!
Today I found out that I can plant my own things in the flower bed by our back patio.
Sounds like a trip to the nursery is forthcoming.