Does anyone ever feel like they’re completely ready for the birthday, the graduation, the big event, the whatever’s going on? It just always seems like there’s one more thing I need to do. Or, worse, one more thing that I’d forgotten I should do. It seems like I’m ready, but I suspect that there will be that Oh, No! moment when I remember that I’m NOT ready. I made cookies with a friend last weekend, and mine are in the freezer. I’ve mailed off all but one of the packages that needs to go. I’ve worked on Christmas cards (don’t you like to get them, surprise-like, a few days after Christmas?). The stockings are crammed full. I’ve put together most of the parts of our Christmas lasagna. The room where Kevin and April stay when they are here is getting close to being “guest-ready.” I might need to go to the grocery store tomorrow, and maybe the next day and the next.
Meanwhile, last weekend I went to Fort Worth for April’s graduation ceremony on Friday. Then, on Saturday, I went off to one of my favorite places to shop, the amazing grocery store Central Market. The main entrance opens onto the fresh foods area. It’s enormous. I got some apples. It was pretty chilly in that part. I walked around the corner where the meat market is, but it was really cold in there, so I turned around.
There are many vegetarian shoppers at the store, and they complained at some point about having to walk through the meat department (which includes live lobsters) to reach the other parts of the store. So, a while back, they cut an additional doorway from the fresh food section into the personal care area. I did go that way, and it’s where I get the soap I like. But, by then, I was pretty chilled.
- This is the kind of soap I like to buy there. It smells *really* good.
- They had all their Zum Glow candles on sale, and I smelled all of them and bought this one.
- Because I was so cold, I walked over to the ready-prepared food section. I knew there was a rotisserie section with great big heat lamps. I spent several minutes with the Tamales. I didn’t buy any of them, I just admired their heat.
- Then I went and got some hot tea to drink. “Hot tea,” I said to the guy behind the counter. “What kind,” he asked. “Black.” “Breakfast Black or Earl Grey?”. “Earl Grey.” But, hmmmm, I guess I didn’t realize that I don’t really like Earl Grey. But I drank it. And then I spilled some in the cart and tried to mop it up with my jacket sleeve.
They use the best bags there. I always try to remember to take my own reusable bags; I sometimes forget. But, since the bags are these nice, brown paper, handled bags, I save them and use them for all sorts of things. Here are my lovely apples, Snap Dragon, and Autumn Glory and Green Dragon.

At home, I’ve tried to sprout “micro-greens,” like I did for Thanksgiving a few years ago. I’m not having much success this time. The micro-greens aren’t sprouting particularly well, and they are all leggy. I don’t really think the mushroom spores were included in the seed packet. I guess they just wafted in from somewhere. I pulled these out, but another, tiny one has come up. Maybe our Christmas dinner salad will be micro-green-free.
Shout praises to the Lord! Praise God in his temple. Praise him in heaven, his mighty fortress.
Praise our God! His deeds are wonderful, too marvelous to describe.
Praise God with trumpets and all kinds of harps.
Praise him with tambourines and dancing, with stringed instruments and woodwinds.
Praise God with cymbals, with clashing cymbals.
Let every living creature praise the Lord. Shout praises to the Lord!
Psalm 150 (Contemporary English Version)
How lovely that, just when we need to feel thankful to God for Jesus, here is this very nice Psalm that we can use.