It was Fun with Friends, and it was very good.
I’ve spent each evening this week at church, with the little kids (Pre-K’s and Kindergarteners). The first through sixth graders were having Music Camp, and we were having Fun with Friends. Literally. We did ART, and lots of it. Sunday was Collage Night. Monday was Drawing Night. Tuesday was Painting Night. Wednesday was Printing Night. And Thursday was Sculpture Night. As usual, there was Tall Painting. And I was sure you’d want to see photos.
Sunday night-Collage
- working together on a “Fun with Friends” collage
- making pizza collages
- eating pizza collages
- colored tissue paper collage
- making tape collages
- Arranging crayon shavings for melted crayon collage pictures
Monday night-Drawing
- Working together planning drawings in colored wedges of a color wheel
- Drawing outside on the sidewalk with colored chalk
- drawing on sugar cookies with food markers
Tuesday night-Painting
- painting on the easel
- painting with a sponge roller
- concentrating verrry hard on a watercolor painting
- tempera paint on corrugated paper
- painting bread slices with colored milk to make painted toast
- working together to roll tennis balls through tempera paint in a big box
- more tennis balls in a box with tempera paint
- chalk painting on the sidewalk
- more chalk painting
- chalk painting on the wall
- tall painting
- adding another layer
- and more
- the next to last layer
Wednesday night-Printing
- hand prints and finger prints
- printing shapes on snickerdoodle cookie dough (which we then baked and ate)
- using large cardboard packing pieces-Wonder what this print will look like?
- Oh, it looks like this!
- the first walker, making footprints
- and the last footprint maker
Thursday night-sculpture

There were also books to read.
This one is The Day the Crayons Quit. I tried to read it to the group Tuesday evening. It is difficult to read, because each page is a letter from a crayon to the boy who owns the box, and they are written in the color of the crayon and in a style that is, hmmm, very hand-written–unevenly spaced, varying in dark and light areas, and, just, hard to read. A kindergartner corrected me a few times (when I left out a word, or several words, or stumbled over a line). I finally handed it over to a much younger teacher, who, amazingly, also struggled. The kid kept correcting her, too, adding words she omitted, finishing sentences she halted over while she read. Eventually, he just gave up and recited the pages to us. (He’s really a very nice young man. When we asked him how many books he had at his house, his guess was a thousand. And apparently, the people in his house read them to him frequently.)
In the beginning, God created everything: the heavens above and the earth below.
Genesis 1:1 (The Voice)
We read this verse each evening, and talked about creating, and how God created people and made them to be creative, too. You are creative, we said. And we gave them paper and crayons and paints and glue and scissors and tape and markers and chalk and brushes and…lots of other stuff. And time.
Wow lots of creativity and lots of FUN!!!
I know. Little kids are so full of ideas. It’s nice to be able to give them the materials and the time to create.
These kids are SO blessed to have teachers such as you! These are Memory Making activities too not to be forgotten. You will have many crowns to throw at the feet of Jesus!