I don’t regulate my body temperature very well. It’s a diabetic thing, I think. Or maybe a kidney problem thing. Or a combo.
I’ve always had somewhat of a problem with heat, which is somewhat easier to combat. I can down some really cold drink and feel better. Or, sit in front of an air conditioner or even a fan. It seems easier to cool down than it is to warm up.
And now that cold weather is approaching, I’m looking at my warmer clothes and thinking about how many layers of them can I realistically wear at one time. (Re: That kid in the movie A Christmas Story who has on a tight snowsuit and can hardly move.)
So, I was at Wal-Mart a couple of days ago, and found a great, warmish-but-not-too-hot garment.

I liked the colors, and, oh, my, it is so soft.
I’m afraid I like it so much that I will wear it out before spring.
Possibly I should go back and get another one. And, really, that’s been happening.
I bought a largish size, because I thought that I might want to have a shirt or thinnish tee-shirt underneath it. I got home and immediately tried it on. It was big. Substantially big. I could put on two or three shirts underneath the plaid one. (Did I mention how very soft it is?) So, I gathered up the shirt and receipt and went back to Wal-Mart the next day. I returned the soft, lovely shirt and went to the clothing area to get a shirt that was the next size down. And, because I do not live in a perfect world, there wasn’t an identical shirt in the next size down. And I thought, well, probably the next size down would work. I bought that one and took it home, put it on, and tried to pretend that it would be fine with another shirt underneath the soft, pretty, plaid shirt. I could wear it, but it was just not roomy enough. And I was sad.
And then, hmmm. There are other Wal-Mart stores in the Waco area. And, surely, all the Wal-Mart stores carry the same inventory. Right? I got in the car and drove straight to Belmead to that Wal-Mart. I parked, went into the store, got a cart, and went straightway to the clothing. I walked around and found pants in the same fabric, same plaid, same soft, soft fabric, and I wondered if the top/pants combo were supposed to be pajamas. But it didn’t matter, the tops weren’t there. I wandered a bit, and found a nice (not fabulous, but nice; soft, but not quite as soft) top. Gray with little stars on it. I put it in the cart. And, then, I went around another corner, and TA-DAH!!!! Yes!!! There were lovely, soft, plaid tops. Several of them, hanging up, just waiting for a shopper to notice them. I went through the tops and, more TA-DAH!! They had the size I wanted!
That was Wednesday. Today, Thursday, as I write this, I am wearing my wonderful, soft top. First thing this morning, when it was chilly, underneath the soft, plaid top, I put on a long-sleeved turtleneck top that’s a lighter version of the purple stripe. I wore that all morning, until things warmed up. Then, I spent most of the afternoon wearing just the soft, plaid top. Now, as I write this, I have put on a lightweight white knit top underneath the soft, lovely plaid top. I will probably wear it tomorrow. And maybe Saturday. I might wear it to church on Sunday.
You would think that I’d never bought a nice, new (soft) article of clothing in my whole life. And maybe I should go back to the Belmead Wal-Mart, or the big Wal-Mart in Hewitt, and get another, identical, soft warm top. It’s possible that I’ll wear this one out. It’s just now November.
“Or imagine a woman who has ten coins and loses one. Won’t she light a lamp and scour the house, looking in every nook and cranny until she finds it? And when she finds it you can be sure she’ll call her friends and neighbors: ‘Celebrate with me! I found my lost coin!’
Count on it—that’s the kind of party God’s angels throw every time one lost soul turns to God.”
Luke 15:8-10 (The Message)
Sounds like I should wear my new, soft, plaid top to church on Sunday.
I think I need to see this new shirt. I don’t know how long it has been since we have visited. I think we need another 6 hour “lunch” at McAllister’s.
I would LOVE to wear my new, soft shirt to McAllister’s. The McAllister’s people probably wonder when were coming back!