What Happened Next…

As I write this, on Sunday afternoon, it is FREEZING here. Literally. Well, right this minute it’s 33 degrees, but it’s supposed to mosey on down to 32 in an hour. I put on my heavy wool coat this morning, on my way to church. I put it back on when I left church at 12:30 or so. I ran errands until after 5:00 (you know, company’s coming!), and I never took it off. In the car, in stores, I kept it on. It’s sooooo cold here. It’s rainy, and windy, and I am trying to put things in perspective by recalling how miserable I was back in August, and really, into September. I’m cold now, but I’m happier.

Of course, here in Central Texas, this kind of cold is short-lived, and the weather will moderate later in the week. By Friday, when I post this, it’s supposed to be 60. But, thinking about how I was yearning for fall to begin made me think about going back and looking at what I’ve written since beginning this blog. And, I have a busy week, getting ready for Thanksgiving guests, so a look-back post is great for me.

7/12-A Testy Attitude
After I wrote about my frustration at various physician’s offices when the nurses greet me with “How are you today?” a cousin who’s a medical professional took me to task and suggested I be more understanding about folks who are trying to do a good job with all sorts of people, and they don’t need an extra grumpy person in their day. He reads my posts and commented on them sometime. About a month ago, he suffered an aortic aneurism and then developed some complications. He passed away last week. I’ll miss his input.

8/23-squirrels (Not capitalizing the title of this post was not mistake. the squirrels don’t deserve it.)
Low rainfall has meant a very poor pecan crop in the area this year. We don’t have a single pecan. I don’t know what the squirrels are eating, but they are still hanging around, frolicking, chasing each other from tree to tree, still irritating me to pieces.

9/6-I’m Going to Have to Call the Plumber
He came and things are hunky-dory in my shower.

9/20-Let Me Make a Note of That
Another friend who was in Sacramento with me looked at the list and she doesn’t know what it was for either.

10/4-As Usual, Having to Be Hauled into Modern Life
I upgraded my phone all by myself. 🙂

10/11-I’m the Bearer of, Uh, Some News
Seriously. A friend told me some news a few weeks ago, and I’m one of just of couple of people who know, and I cannot wait until the news is shared and I ALREADY KNOW!! It’s really sort of embarrassing to admit that I feel that way.

10/18-Not *Everything *I Grow Is a Nuisance Plant
Look at what Constance is doing!

I thought you might want to see this again, because it's perfect!

I thought you might want to see this again, because it’s perfect!

10/25-I Want That, and I Want That, and Oh, Wow, I REALLY Want That!
Maybe I should add “Joy” to “Self-Control,” because I just adore my new spice holder, and sometimes I open up that cabinet just to look at it and pull down a drawer and see how nice and neat the spices are. I buy things all the time that I think are going to be fabulous, and they turn out to be disappointments. This spice holder is so perfect. Hmm. Can “perfect” be qualified? “So” perfect? “Rather” perfect? “Somewhat” perfect? “Not-so-perfect?” All right grammar folks. It’s just “perfect.”








11/1-Look at This!!
See how the white oak is the first tree to change in the fall. It also is the first tree to lose it’s leaves. It’s almost like a cartoon. One morning it will be beautiful yellow and brown and then whoosh. By afternoon, it will be almost bare, and the neighbor’s yard, which was pristine and beautiful after her yard men came, will be covered with our leaves. It’s a miracle that she still speaks to us.

11/15-Here. Feel My Forehead. Doesn’t It Feel Hot to You?
In an interesting bit of irony, I posted this on a Friday morning (after I had felt bad w/allergies the previous Sunday). The very next day, I began to feel ill. I felt queasy, and, by bedtime, really felt feverish. Truly. As I would get up during the night, I took these photos, to document that I really, truly, honestly, had a fever. I really was sick! A phone call to the doctor on Sunday morning brought a diagnosis of stomach virus. I was much better by Sunday night and my temperature was down to normal by Monday morning. And I was eating the occasional apple, which was staying down.

11/22-Comments?!!?! BLAM!!
My nephew has looked at the spam and says it’s not Chinese, it’s Japanese. So let me offer my deepest apologies to any Chinese people I have sent unkind thought to because I thought they were so annoying.

The man who is faithful in the little things will be faithful in the big things
Luke 16:10a   (PHILLIPS)

I went through all the blog posts to see how I’m doing with the various parts of the fruit. I found a pretty equal distribution. Gentleness needs some attention, and there was only one faithfulness post. But really, I’ve written a blog post every week since the end of June. In the grand scope of things, I guess it’s a little thing. But, I made a commitment and I’ve kept it. I feel faithful.

2 Responses to “What Happened Next…”

  1. phyllis

    love your post. Sorry for your loss.
    the passing of friends seems to be too frequent as we grow older.
    I think sticking to your blog for so long is a wonderful feat. I know I look forward to it every week.
    Your blog is the first thing I do on Fri.


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