Apparently, I’m Trendy

As a senior adult lady, I’m not exactly trendy. My clothing is pretty dull and unexciting, and I shop for comfort and durability. I used to love shoes. Now, I have old lady feet and have to wear old lady shoes.

I don’t buy lots of new clothes, but, what I do buy, I often get at Target. I don’t get lots of stuff. I’m not wearing out or outgrowing my clothing.  I do, however, keep my eyes peeled for overalls. I find them in the clothing department for teens. Those teen-agers are buying them to be cool. I am buying them to work in the yard. They often have rips and tears in them, as a fashion statement (which I am unable to translate). I buy those ripped denim overalls anyway, because I’m going to be working outside in the dirt and with tools, and rips and tears are pretty much inevitable, anyway. I do always check the pockets. The overalls that are in Target right now have pockets that are just for show. They’re about 2 inches deep. I’m not interested in those. I need pockets that will hold my phone, my glasses, my gardening gloves, and, often, a hand tool or two. I need two ample rear pockets, two ample side pockets, and a large front pocket.

I’ve talked before about my first pair of real overalls. They lasted quite a while. The next pair weren’t quite as roomy, and the pockets weren’t quite as great. I got them in the spring of 2013. Since then, I’ve bought more overalls, which must mean that that second pair wasn’t exactly great. I’ve purchased two pairs of short overalls and two pairs of long overalls. One long pair is okay, has no rips, but lacks that roomy front pocket. The other pair is FULL of rips, but has better pockets and is roomier. I’ve not worn them, yet, but I may need to make some attractive patches for the ripped portions, because the wind from cooler weather is going to whip right through them, I’m afraid.

All that to say, I do sometimes wander through Target and into the clothing department meant, primarily, for young ladies quite a bit younger than I am.

The pink dress

A few months ago, I saw a dress that seemed perfect for me. It’s actually a sun dress, with straps. It buttoned up the front, was an attractive pink and cranberry and white plaid, and was long enough for me to feel comfortable. And, the deal-breaker, it had pockets that were deep enough to hold my phone. I went over (quickly) found my size and put it in my cart. At home, I put on a white t-shirt and then the jumper and was delighted. I loved it. I think I stayed wearing it for the rest of the day.

And I thought about I don’t do much shopping on the Target web site, mostly because I find what I need in the store. I don’t do much clothing shopping online at any site. But, I so liked the dress that I wondered if there were other colors available. I did go, did scroll through the dresses, and did, absolutely, find that dress in a variety of colors. I most certainly did not need to purchase one of each color, but I looked over all ones they had, chose a pretty green and white stripe, and ordered it. I’ve enjoyed wearing both of them.

The green dress

Now, the amazing part. I was watching something on the television a few days ago, and there was a commercial for the Latuda medication, which is described on the website as a “prescription medicine for bipolar depression.” There are a variety of television ads for the medication. Recently, there’s an ad using art that people with bipolar depression have created. Towards the end of that ad, there’s a woman, who looks like she’s relaxed and enjoying herself, at an outdoor cookout. She’s wearing a green dress.  Yes, the same one I have. I imagine that some wardrobe tech did the choosing, instead of the actress. Still, some wardrobe supervisor said, “This is the dress we want.” I understand exactly how they felt. I want that dress, too.




And why do you worry about clothes? Observe how the wildflowers of the field grow: They don’t labor or spin thread.  Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was adorned like one of these.

Matthew 6:28-29 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

 “An da clotheses, how come you worry bout dat? Tink! Da flowers dat grow in da field, how dey can grow? Dey no work o make dea own clotheses.  But I telling you, even King Solomon, wit all his awesome stuffs, neva get awesome clotheses like da flowers.

Matthew 6:28-29 (Hawai’i Pidgin)


I am grateful, particularly these days, that I don’t have to worry about things that so many other people do have to worry about. I’m able to pay my bills and purchase things we need. I can buy masks for the elementary school near my church. I can talk with my family whenever I want to. I can donate money and food. And, I can buy a new dress. We are so fortunate.

One Response to “Apparently, I’m Trendy”

  1. Deedie

    SOOOOO well said! Sometimes we need to be reminded of how lucky we are! I’ll be watching for your dress in the Latuda commercial.


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