Posts Categorized: Faithfulness

Happy Anniversary to Me!


One year ago tomorrow, I wrote a Facebook post announcing my blog. It’s my one year anniversary! I said I would write new posts each week and put them up on Fridays. And I did.  At the beginning, four posts were already up, for Jeremy to work with as he got the website ready. So, if you visited the website that very first Friday, it had more than one lonely post that you could read.

This is a screen shot of the database-all full!

This is a screen shot of the database-all full!

I’ve made a database, to track the posts and what Bible verses I reference and which fruit of the Spirit I use. The program will only hold 54 entries, so it’s full and won’t let me add any more. I had to start a new one, for Year Two (plus the last two posts from the first year).



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Tra-DI-tion! Tra-DI-tion! Dum-de-dum-dum-Dum-Dum-Dum! TRADITION!!

Tradition!! Wonderful memory or millstone? Is it, “Oh, thank goodness Aunt Delilah brought her persimmon pie!” or, “Oh, no! Aunt Delilah’s getting out of her car and she’s got her PERSIMMON PIE!!!”

Caroline Kennedy says, of family traditions and memories, “Those memories, good and bad, are really what help to keep a family together over the long haul.” In the movie, milkman Tevye says that, “without traditions, our lives would be as shaky as a fiddler on the roof.” Other folks think traditions are silly and out-dated.&lt

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What Goes Around …

A few years ago, the elementary school close to our church asked for volunteers to be mentors to at-risk students, to be another adult in their lives who could listen and advise and help, in whatever ways we could. We would visit the school once a week and spend time in the classroom with our child, or go with them to the library or teacher’s lounge to talk or do classwork. I had a third-grade girl; let’s call her A.J.

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How Come You Never Hear Anybody Say, “Yeah. I Learned That Lesson the *Easy* Way.”

The dishwasher wouldn’t work!

I loaded up the thing, put in the little square dishwasher soap packet, ran the water in the sink until it was warm, shut the dishwasher door, and pushed “Start.” And heard it start. As I passed by occasionally, every few minutes over the next half-hour or so, sometimes it seemed to be making a different sort of noise, not necessarily a bad noise, just a different-ish sort of noise. But I don’t spend much of its cycle time sitting beside it, noticing the various sounds it makes, so I didn’t really think anything was amiss. When I walked by and noticed that the “it’s done” light was on, I opened it up to let the dishes air dry. I saw that the food drips that had been on the door when I closed the machine were still pretty much on the door when I re-opened it. it. I picked up a few dishes, and oh, no, they were not clean at all.

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One Way You Can Be Encouraging to Somebody

Maybe I’m a little late to noticing how pervasive this is, but at some point, we stopped reading information in paragraph form and went with lists. I understand it. We’re busy, there’s so much information out there, how can I get the most of it in the shortest amount of time? Let’s cut to the chase, tell me just what I need to know, don’t beat around the bush. 

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I Know GIGO Means “Garbage In, Garbage Out.” It Could Just As Well Mean “GOOD in and GOOD out.”

My sister home-schooled her kids.

A house where kids are home-schooled often has a different sort of decor than homes where kids go off to school each day. I visited a home-schooling house once that had a historic time-line circling the dining room. My sister’s kitchen walls boasted maps, spelling words, and, among other things, a bird clock.

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What Happened Next…

As I write this, on Sunday afternoon, it is FREEZING here. Literally. Well, right this minute it’s 33 degrees, but it’s supposed to mosey on down to 32 in an hour. I put on my heavy wool coat this morning, on my way to church. I put it back on when I left church at 12:30 or so. I ran errands until after 5:00 (you know, company’s coming!), and

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Maybe My Garden Needs a Gnome

The green stuff growing, intrusively, in my garden

The green stuff growing, intrusively, in my garden

There’s this stuff growing in my garden. It blankets a large portion of the space, and it looks as though I have very carefully strewn seed deliberately across the area. I have not. This is the third year it has come up, and I am dismayed each time. I’m not even sure what it is.

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