
The more things change …

Several months ago, April took the job of Preschool Director at their church in Fort Worth, which means that traveling to Waco on weekends is pretty much off the table. After Peter spent his spring break with us, and I returned him to Fort Worth at the end of the week, I said to David, “If we want to do any Eastery things with Peter, then he’s going to have to come back here. Next weekend.”

I talked with Kevin, who at first said, “No, we really have some things going on this weekend,” but with some additional consideration (April had a paper due on Easter Sunday, in addition to other school-related work and church preparation), they said, “Yes, it will be a great idea for Peter to come to Waco again.”

After taking him to Fort Worth the previous Friday afternoon, I went back on Thursday and picked him up after school and we arrived in Waco in time to drive through Chick-fil-A and get David a nugget meal and Peter some Waffle Fries for their dinner in the snack room at the Mayborn Museum before their traditional late-night Thursday visit.

I’m sorry not to have a photo of Peter as everyone is cleaning up the cookout area and folding up the long tables to return to the church building. He joined the men who were carrying the folded-up tables to pickup trucks. As the tables went by, held up by an adult on each end, there’s a little pair of feet, walking along in the center of the table, helping out.

David drove him back to Fort Worth Sunday afternoon. I went home and had a nap.

A couple of days ago, I went to Target and was hoping to get some post-Easter deals, but no Easter stuff was on clearance. Oh, yeah. WE had Easter egg hunts and Easter basket treats last weekend. But not everybody else.

So now, I’m resetting myself. It’s Easter this Sunday. It feels a little like I’m celebrating twice. And, it’s time to listen to some music, don’t you think?

Royal Choral Society

Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Flash mob

Flash mob in German


 Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns! (New King James Version)

Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. (New Revised Standard Version)

Praise the Lord! Our Lord God All-Powerful now rules as king. (Contemporary English Version)

Revelation 19:6

The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever! (New King James Version)

The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah and he will reign forever and ever. (New Revised Standard Version)

Now the kingdom of this world belongs to our Lord and to his Chosen One! And he will rule forever and ever! (Contemporary English Version)

Revelation 11:15


King of kings and Lord of lords (New Revised Standard Version)

KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (Contemporary English Version)

Revelation 19:16



Now, there’s really nothing else to say, is there.


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