It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like . . . SUMMER WILL NEVER, EVER END!!!!!

I seem to forget, from year to year, how very long summer lasts here in Central Texas. It’s back to school time, and magazines are full of pictures of apples (for teachers) and footballs (games have already begun) and cool weather clothing (which, of course, family members will need, in another two months, WE HOPE!!).

That said, whenever I get the least little hint that cooler temperatures are really and truly in our almost-near future,

JoAnne and me, about to leave for her first year at Lake Air Jr. High, and my senior year at Richfield High.

JoAnne and me, about to leave for her first year at Lake Air Jr. High, and my senior year at Richfield High.

I take heart. But, usually, there aren’t enough hints. I compared some fall temperatures from my senior year in high school with more recent temps.

I looked in the Farmers’ Almanac and found that:

On August 15, 1967, the high temperature was 93.  In 2014, it was 99.

On September 1, 1967, the high temperature was 86. In 2014, it was 98.

According to Weather Warehouse, global warming is real.

In 1967, the highest temperature for September was 93.

In 2011, the highest temperature for September was 105.

Of course, schools begin earlier now. We would start the day after Labor Day. Now, school-start day is in August. So, of course it’s hotter. Recently, it’s lots hotter. However, when I was growing up, school’s were not air conditioned!! Now, they all are. And, with school starting earlier and earlier, that climate control is essential. But, really, it’s hard to imagine what classrooms smelled like, back when I was a kid, and we went out to recess every day and ran and sweated and came in, and stayed in, for a few more hours. What stamina those school teachers must have had!

Of course, my head knows that, given the unlikelihood of some cataclysmic event (i.e. earth flips and the northern hemisphere moves back to spring/summer instead of fall/winter, the sun explodes, that sort of thing), fall IS going to arrive, rather later than I would like, but it WILL arrive. I just start feeling frantic, in October, when we’re still running the air conditioner, and it’s still too warm to completely put away the summer clothes (which I will be SICK of).  So, I’m trying to stay positive…and calm…and try to think about the dead of winter, when we will not be snowed in for days/weeks at a time, and my pansies will be blooming beautifully, all winter long.



 For as long as Earth lasts,
        planting and harvest, cold and heat,
    Summer and winter, day and night
        will never stop.

Genesis 8:22 (The Message)

Peter was here, for about 36 hours, a couple of days ago. The day was unseasonably cool. We were at the zoo by 9:15, walked around, saw lots of animals, played in the playground/spray area. We went to the Zoo Cafe for some lunch, and we ate outside. I checked my phone and the temperature was still in the 70’s!!!! Ollie, Mollie, Gollie. However, I know better than to get too excited. According to the phone’s weather app, Sunday’s high is supposed to be 100.

6 Responses to “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like . . . SUMMER WILL NEVER, EVER END!!!!!”

  1. Gayle Lintz

    I always do appreciate when people take the time to make comments about posts. But really, *that* just makes me a little irritable. I am sitting at my computer, sweating a little bit, even as I write. I’ll try to get over it. And think frosty thoughts. I wish there was some ice cream in the freezer. That might help. Maybe I’ll *pretend* I think there’s some ice cream in the freezer, and go open the door and stand there a few minutes, pretending to search, and realize there’s not any ice cream there. After a couple of minutes. Or five. That’s probably the limit for pretending to search. My freezer’s just not that big.

  2. Liz & Bill Sanders

    I am sitting at my desk at work looking out onto the parking lot and it’s a little breezy so the leaves are actually dancing! Maybe Fall isn’t so far away after all!

  3. Gayle Lintz

    Oh, I’m sure it looks wonderful! (Meanwhile, what’s the temperature out there? Just curious. I know that by the water, it’s probably not 91, which it is here; right now.) Come on, cool weather! Mama wants to wear her new sweater!

    • Liz & Bill Sanders

      It was in the low 90s today with a light shower this morning. Right now (8:15) it is 84. We had a month in the high 90s! But no mosquitoes in this heat!

  4. Suzy Henson

    The slightly cooler temperatures here have been appreciated but I’m only out in spurts and then back in air-conditioning so can’t really complain. Any chance of a visit from you this fall or perhaps for Christmas shopping? Any chance Joanne is coming this way and y’all could have a girls trip? Maybe just the thought would make cooler weather seem nearer. We actually had a shower today which was a total surprise and only lasted briefly. Sorry you lost Rosemary. Love to all, Suzy


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