Maybe I Wouldn’t Like Winter as Much If I Lived Someplace Where Winters are Fierce and Long

But, I don’t live someplace where the winters are fierce and long. I live someplace where winters are short and pretty mild. It never seems long enough, and I’m never really ready for spring when it hits. Okay, maybe it doesn’t hit. But it does jump in pretty quickly and intensely, and, two weeks later, summer arrives, and it does hit. Big.

I’m never ready for spring because I’m not ready to stop wearing my winter clothes. I wear the warm weather clothes for MONTHS! I am always weary of them by the time cool weather arrives, and cannot wait to wash them one last time and put them away for next year. Then, I have to get them out again, when the weather warms back up, wear them for a few more weeks, wash them, and put them away, again, for next year. Then, a couple of weeks later, I have to get them out again. I continue to let myself be fooled by that one morning when there’s a chill in the air that says fall is coming. I forget that the next day, the temperature will be in the 90’s again (or higher).

So, when winter really does settle in for good, in, say, November, I’m ready. And, truly, I’ve been shivering these past few January days, and drinking lots of hot tea, and making soup, and feeling pretty chilled most of the time. But it’s winter and it’s supposed to be that way!  (And I completely understand that it’s easy for me to be happy with that wintery, bitter cold weather, because it lasted for about a week and a half, and yesterday, it was 72.)

But I like winter for other reasons.


And I really do enjoy what happens to the landscape.

I like that things don’t have to be watered nearly as much (and the water bill drops). And I like what happens to the trees.


God spoke: “Lights! Come out!
        Shine in Heaven’s sky!
    Separate Day from Night.
        Mark seasons and days and years,

Genesis 1:14 (the Message)

And, I really do like the coziness of the early darkness in the winter months. I know it can be overwhelming and depressing and oppressive for folks who live in more northern latitudes than I. I might grow weary and stir-crazy if winter lasted longer than the comparative brief time it does here in Waco, Texas. But honestly, I’m never quite ready for it to end. I usually keep a couple of sweaters and heavy shirts in the closet longer than is reasonable, just in case.



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